Friday, August 12, 2011

Giger Grinch

Hey Guys! Hope you don't mind, I kinda flipped the concept. Instead of a classic or contemporary artist in the style of Seuss, I did Seuss in another style. H.R. Giger. I'm pretty happy w/ it. Hope you like it.


  1. I like it! Do what inspires you. I still look forward to the day you step way outside your comfort zone though. I think you'd surprise yourself!

  2. I ewally like the textures a lot. Also, I wonder who was fixated on pointy fingers first, Giger or Seuss.

  3. I started w/ a Seussy one and got bored really fast. I'm trying to learn how to paint so I went with this. I will most likely be hand drawing our next project so...We'll see.

  4. Yeah, i think you've proven yourself as an excellent, polished illustrator. I'm looking forward to some real down-n-dirty hand work on the next one. This is excellent regardless, great one.

  5. thish isth justh the sthexiest piecth of art i have ever laid my eyeballsth on!

  6. Holy ShitBalls Shawn!! This is pretty f'ing off the charts cool! Nice work sir.
