Thursday, August 18, 2011

Gorey End

(click to ENLARGE)

I went with the combination of illustration and brief rhyme that many of Gorey's works seem to follow. I kept the color scheme minimal, and mimicked Gorey's dizzying, cross-hatched textures all over the place. I had lots of ideas for this one and I had hoped to do more originally. We could definitely revisit this theme in the future. I really hope everybody includes a brief rhyme on this one. It's what makes it full on tribute to Gorey.


  1. Wow thats reaaly nice arman! Very polished!! I think you combined gorey ideas into your own style really nicely!

  2. One thing i have to point out is your use of value is derived from color.... Instead of black hatching. It looks cool the way you set it up, but i think one of the major challenges of a gorey style is laying out your darks and lights and figuring out how to utilize your linework to portray those values. ...

  3. I did use blue but it works as well when I convert it to black and white. I kinda just figured it was Gorey-inspired as opposed to really copying Gorey's style. I learned last week that if I have to force myself to mimic another artist's style too closely I lose interest.

  4. No, i like what u did with the theme... Its really nice!

  5. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! I loves it. This piece is solid all the way thru. More Gorey inspired in context than technique, which really works for this image. You may not have had as nice a result if you stuck to Gorey's cross-hatch-only version of adding value.

  6. Very nice Arman. Like the colors a lot. Nice perspectives. The subtle blue glow from the screen is very nice. Has a nice closed in claustrophobic fell. Just really solid all together. Great job!

  7. Definitely a solid piece and I like that its not a 100% Gorey knock off, but your style and his combined. I don't mind the use of color and I think its probably one of the best you've done so far

  8. Great piece Arman!I agree with Mark that it isn't that Gorey-ish in regards to technique. However, I feel it's one of your strongest images and you should think about having it in your portfolio.

  9. Hey, i only throw out those critiques because i want there to be more feedback than just praises. It was hard to find a crit to say on this one because i have a full on 9 inch art-rection for this piece.

  10. I know Mark. I thank you for sneaking past my emotional defenses with praise and then stabbing me in my sensitive artistic heart. Haha JK
