Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Next project ideas!

We need ideas for the next project!
Pls add your ideas and we can discuss!


  1. I came up with a theme idea in my car this morning.... How about: combine your favorite musician with "Conan the Barbarian"..... For example, choose "Michael Jackson" and make him a King in the fantasy world. (king of pop?).... Lady gaga as a meat monster thing?... Etc

  2. Haha, sounds ... interesting. I'm on board.

  3. Zach, thats not the next project... just an idea! you got any ideas for the next?

  4. Another Idea for future project is we need a Logo!

    In turn, we also need a "favicon" (the little icon in the search bar) Right now its the blogger icon... but we need our own!


  6. Thundercats, Thundercats, HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

  7. Thundercats is cool. Voltron too. Also thought it would be cool to mash up 80's cartoon characters with 80,s horror movie villains.

  8. OK.... the idea that seems to get most people excited so far is Shawn's.... 80's Cartoon Characters mashed with 80's horror movie villains, I vote for this to be the next theme.

  9. I also like the idea of children's story/fairy tale characters reimagined....
    That or thundercats are my first two. Shawn's theme is my second. I'm ready for the next challenge!!!!

  10. Let's try and make a decision by noon today. I'm down w/ re-imagining children's characters or Thundercats. I have a great idea for Thundercats already too.

    Ya know what, i vote Thundercats. Hands down.

  11. I could post a POLL for ideas... and we could vote... but so far i think we have:
    option 1: 80's cartoon characters mashed with 80's horror villains
    option 2: Thundercats reimagined
    option 3: Childrens' book/Fairy tale reimagined.

    by the way... i want to do all three...

  12. Since its the 20th anniversary of the Rocketeer, I am all about reimagining that movie!
