Friday, July 29, 2011

Lex Lucifer

So I abandoned my original idea which was the Justice League Last Supper because of time constraints, and was I barely able to get to this one. I knocked it out late yesterday afternoon and last night. I think its ok. Not finished but I wanted to make sure I posted something this week! Took the idea of Lex Luthor being Lucifer, a businessman who wants to see the world burn.


  1. Nice! I know you rushed this one, but you popped out a pretty finished piece considering you started yesterday!... My only crit is that the devil side of him is hard to see... I almost wish there was a TINY bit more glow on the devil body and wings...

  2. apparently I like doing 2 faced characters..last week Scrooginator, this week the devil/human. Next week is no 2 faced people

  3. I agree. I think this one needs just a little more work to pop it up to art-woody status. I think in the movie Lex Lucifer should be played by Al Pacino and his empire could be challenged by a talented young business lawyer played by Keanu Reaves and..... wait a minute...

  4. Really cool for how fast u did it. Cool lighting, nice character. Holy Crap it's Glenn Danzig!

  5. Kudos for banging something out, and not too shabby considering the time it was done in. Bravisimo!

  6. Frank, I agree with comments above. Good job getting it out so fast.

  7. Needs a lot of work, this one I will not come back to though. I did like trying out doing cross hatch and line work in Illustrator though
